2. San Fransisco will see its first snowfall in 35 years (while human global warming is still viewed as fact)
3. Obama sends Hillary Clinton to Lybia for peace talks (after being silent on the issue for nine days)
4. Union protests in major capitals
5. Man fined for impersonating Abe Lincoln in front of the Lincoln Memorial (Reading "the Gettysburg Address" is frowned upon?)
6. Untapped Oil reserves that could power the United States for an estimated 300 years (But cannot be tapped due to strict environmental policy)
7. Why isn't anyone reporting on border issues anymore? (They didn't go away...)
The Law is falling down upon itself in contradiction. America has finally woken up. Things are not what they are, nor what they should be. The world is fighting against ill-will and tyrants. Egypt was the catalyst to the new revolutions of worldwide governments. Libya, Syriaa...who's up next at bat?
Why are we so dependent on foreign oil when we have our own substantial amount? Is it to keep peace, and keep American citizens dependent on their government? Drilling can be done with minimal environmental impact. Habitats will be disturbed: but think about this. They all ready are somewhere else, but we don't think about that because we don't see it. And how about the pollution that goes into the air from transporting oil? We would be doing Nature a favor by becoming self-sufficient. Not to mention new jobs...
Morals, virtue, manners? What are those? What is up this infection of mediocrity that spreads like the flu? No more blame games, self-righteousness, high regulation. Stand accountable in all that you do. Create an example.